Aug 1, 2017 | Adventure, Living playfully
I have a tree in my patio. A big grapefruit tree. I’m delighted to have a big grapefruit tree in my patio for the shade it provides to the morning side of the house. It gives me a place to hang my wind chimes and hummingbird feeders. It will look great with twinkly...
Jun 21, 2017 | Adventure, Living playfully
They love me. They really, really love me. And I am not thrilled! At first, I thought it was fleas. I’d visited a friend while her dog was being boarded and briefly thought “maybe.” But this friend doesn’t tolerate even the idea of fleas, let alone allow one to...
Jun 19, 2017 | Adventure, Living playfully
Who knew there could be such drama around the common butter dish? My husband has been having trouble lifting the butter dish lid for quite a while now. Apparently after enough years our fingerprints no longer provide the friction needed to hang on to slick surfaces. I...
Sep 23, 2016 | Adventure, Playful Choices
On the way from childhood to now we’ve all abandoned things. Toys, boyfriends, jobs, clothes. We’ve given up on things we loved, thought we might love, or at least wanted a chance to see if we could love. We’ve also discarded things we tried and, at the time, didn’t...
Sep 1, 2016 | Adventure, Bodacious
I have wild animals in my yard! My husband and I sit on the back patio, sip coffee and watch the wildlife as the morning begins. So far we’ve seen cotton-tail rabbits, quail, doves, starlings, hummingbirds and several other birds I have yet to identify. Today we...
Aug 23, 2016 | Adventure, Bodacious, Living playfully
Adventures … life can be full of them. Yet it’s so easy to deny ourselves the opportunity to participate. You want to go to the party but you know you’ll get tired and have to leave early, so you stay home. You’d like to try playing an instrument but...