Aug 18, 2016 | Adventure, Bodacious
Me, this old broad has decided summer is the perfect time to move. Actually it was the house we found that made the decision. It’s is just too perfect to pass up. I am ridiculously excited. A normal person wouldn’t expect that to be the case, particularly since the...
Aug 4, 2016 | Adventure, Living playfully
Have you noticed that when you join a new gym that it takes a while before people will talk to you in the locker room, or when you’re passing from machine to machine? Then one day, after a few weeks, one then another of the regulars says Hi, or makes a pleasant...
Jul 12, 2016 | Adventure, Bodacious, Living playfully
There will be people who just don’t get it when you make the decision to become a Bodacious Bad-ass Old Broad. That could be your family or friends who want you to stay the same person you’ve always been. You changing can rock their world, shake their...
Jun 14, 2016 | Adventure, Living playfully
You know how you can have a great idea and it isn’t until you’ve put it into action that you realize there are unanticipated consequences? Recently I relocated from the San Francisco Bay Area to Arizona. I knew I would have to find a new tribe, create new...
Aug 14, 2015 | Adventure, Playful Musings
Did you ever ditch someone when you were a kid? Way back when you were a callous and callow youth? There was at least one kid that wanted to hang around with you and sometimes you just didn’t want them around. The challenge then became how to ditch them, shake them...