Jul 13, 2015 | Adventure, Play
My grandmother (Nana) used to take me to Balboa Park. We would wait at the corner for the #7 bus which would drop us off in front of the zoo. We would stroll through the rose garden, me walking the curbs pretending to be a tightrope walker. Nana close by, ready to act...
Jul 10, 2015 | Adventure, Living playfully
Yesterday the Adventure Club went sky diving. Without an airplane. Indoor sky diving. Can you call it sky diving if there’s no sky involved? Vertical tunnel flying is more accurate. We did our flying at iFLY in Union CIty. What an operation! I cannot begin to imagine...
Jul 9, 2015 | Adventure, Living playfully
I get a lot of inspiration from movies. A few nights ago Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium was on. I love the magic toy store and Dustin Hoffman’s relentlessly positive outlook. The first time I watched it I was struck by a quote and it has become a favorite,...
Mar 5, 2015 | Adventure, Living playfully
Stella lies. Well, not really lies, but she’s not always direct. Stella is my GPS. I think she gets bored with the same old freeways, so sometimes she decides to mix it up a little and take me for a ride. Recently I was in Pleasant Hill, a city I’m not very familiar...
Feb 17, 2015 | Adventure, Happiness, Living playfully
We live in a rich, vibrant, colorful, flavorful world and yet most of us walk through it without noticing. We’re busy with our thoughts or our smart phones. Locked inside and mostly oblivious to what’s happening just beyond the tip of our noses. Last week I invited...