Aug 16, 2016 | Bodacious, Embrace you
You are perfect as you are. Let me repeat that…YOU are PERFECT just as you are. I can hear you right now telling me I’m full of shit. “I’m not perfect…I’m fat, I’m scrawny, I’m out of shape, I’m sick, I’m old, I’m tired, my thighs rub together, my upper arms flap like...
Aug 9, 2016 | Bodacious, Embrace you, Living playfully, Making a difference
When I was a callow youth I had a lot of judgment about the way older women dressed. I was aghast at the sight of orange stretch pants on a less than perfect butt. I snickered at the platinum banana curl pony tail, gold lame toreador pants and sparkly...
Aug 2, 2016 | Bodacious, Courage, Embrace you
Just Say No! If you’re reading this chances are good that you’re old enough to remember this campaign by First Lady Nancy Reagan. It didn’t work out too well for Nancy or the war on drugs but that’s not going to stop me from stealing the motto. You can be pretty sure...
Jul 26, 2016 | Bodacious, Embrace you
Words have power. That whole “sticks and stones…” thing is a bunch of BS. It’s not just the words other people say that can hurt us. The words we use can too. In the second stage of my Living PlayFULLY – Becoming a Bodacious Old Broad program we focus on embracing all...