Mar 24, 2015 | Happiness, Health
Breathe – yeah I know, you’re already breathing. You must be because you’re alive enough to be reading this (or you’re a zombie, and that’s a whole different article.) Chances are though, up until you started reading this, you weren’t paying any attention...
Mar 17, 2015 | Happiness, Living playfully, Play
You’re an adult, all grownup, and responsible. So sticking your arms out and pretending you’re flying down the aisles in the supermarket, blowing bubbles in the elevator, or squealing with glee when you see a puppy might be seen as kind of… silly. (By the way,...
Mar 11, 2015 | Happiness, Living playfully, Play
Want a happiness boost? Get dirty. Get the stuff all over you, under your nails and caked on your knees. In addition to being good clean fun, getting down and dirty does all kinds of good things for you. When was the last time you walked barefoot in the mud and let it...
Feb 26, 2015 | Happiness, Living playfully, Play
Yesterday I was stopped at a traffic light on Sonoma Blvd. In some places Sonoma Blvd. is 8 lanes wide and this was one of those places. As I sat waiting for the light to change and singing along to the radio I spotted a young man starting to cross the street....
Feb 24, 2015 | Happiness, Living playfully
The world is at your fingertips. Literally. Your sense of touch is a powerful and very sensuous connection to your surroundings. Take a moment right now and pay attention to what you feel (not the emotional stuff, that’s for a different blog post.) How do your clothes...
Feb 17, 2015 | Adventure, Happiness, Living playfully
We live in a rich, vibrant, colorful, flavorful world and yet most of us walk through it without noticing. We’re busy with our thoughts or our smart phones. Locked inside and mostly oblivious to what’s happening just beyond the tip of our noses. Last week I invited...