Feb 10, 2015 | Happiness, Living playfully
Did you ever think, while you were growing up, that life was going to be so serious? From my perspective as a kid, it looked like grownups could have all kinds of fun. They had control of the time and the money and I just knew that when I grew up I would use those...
Feb 5, 2015 | Happiness, Living playfully, Play
Almost everyone understands that play is important for children. Play enables the development of a long list of critical life skills including; motor skills, socialization, problem solving, creativity, conflict resolution, and mental and physical health. When children...
Aug 18, 2014 | Happiness, Living playfully, Play
I retired in February of 2013. That consisted of closing down my sign business and selling off my Flamingo Surprise inventory to someone who would carry on the good works. We moved out of the warehouse and apartment to much smaller and less expensive accommodations. A...
Aug 12, 2014 | Happiness, Play, Wellbeing
Is doodling a dying art? With the proliferation of iPads, smart phones and other personal electronic devices, we spend less and less time with a pen or pencil (or in my case, a crayon) in hand. Sit in on any business meeting and at least one person will be frantically...
Apr 16, 2013 | Adventure, Happiness, Play
What’s the perfect outing for someone who has a mild anxiety about heights? Zip lining of course. My friend Shirley decided she was going to celebrate her 70-somethingth birthday with something new and exciting. She sent out the zip lining adventure invitation to all...