Jul 21, 2016 | Bodacious, Living playfully
One of the things I cover in my Life 3.0: 6 Secrets program is that we need to accept ourselves and get over what anyone might think. I got a chance to test myself this past weekend. Twice a year the Compel Speak Sell business mastermind I’m a member of gets away for...
Jul 19, 2016 | Bodacious, Happiness Tips, Living playfully
Do you have a personal nag? You know, that little voice, or maybe not so little, that keeps pointing out your faults and imperfections. I certainly do. She likes to sneak out as I’m falling asleep to remind of things I didn’t get done, what I said wrong, how I failed...
Jul 12, 2016 | Adventure, Bodacious, Living playfully
There will be people who just don’t get it when you make the decision to become a Bodacious Bad-ass Old Broad. That could be your family or friends who want you to stay the same person you’ve always been. You changing can rock their world, shake their...
Jul 7, 2016 | Bodacious, Living playfully
There are six stages in my program for becoming a Bodacious Bad-ass Old Broad. The first one is all about courage. So why do you need courage to be a Bodacious Bad-ass Old Broad? One reason is you will become visible. I can hear you saying “But I’m visible. People see...
Jun 14, 2016 | Adventure, Living playfully
You know how you can have a great idea and it isn’t until you’ve put it into action that you realize there are unanticipated consequences? Recently I relocated from the San Francisco Bay Area to Arizona. I knew I would have to find a new tribe, create new...
Jan 4, 2016 | Living playfully, Playful Musings
I usually work under threat of an avalanche. Paper mysteriously multiplies around my workspace. I swear it happens when my back is turned. Left unchecked I could end up being buried alive in old to-do lists, obsolete outlines, expired discount coupons, unfiled...