Mar 31, 2015 | Happiness Tips, Living playfully, Wellbeing
We often ignore minor annoyances because, well because they’re minor. More trouble to deal with in the moment than they are to put up with. I realized yesterday that I was doing just that with two things. As I was tapping away at my keyboard I was generating way more...
Mar 26, 2015 | Happiness, Happiness Tips, Living playfully
This is an exercise I do with my clients. Feel free to follow along on your own. Grab a sheet (or a scrap) of paper and draw a horizontal line (about 5-6 inches is plenty long enough.) The left end is when you were born. On the right end write the number representing...
Mar 19, 2015 | Living playfully
There are many people who are afraid to try new things, afraid of doing anything that might lead to failure. This fear keeps them confined to a pretty narrow comfort zone. In my business I teach one small trick that helps my clients overcome this fear and get more joy...
Mar 17, 2015 | Happiness, Living playfully, Play
You’re an adult, all grownup, and responsible. So sticking your arms out and pretending you’re flying down the aisles in the supermarket, blowing bubbles in the elevator, or squealing with glee when you see a puppy might be seen as kind of… silly. (By the way,...
Mar 11, 2015 | Happiness, Living playfully, Play
Want a happiness boost? Get dirty. Get the stuff all over you, under your nails and caked on your knees. In addition to being good clean fun, getting down and dirty does all kinds of good things for you. When was the last time you walked barefoot in the mud and let it...
Mar 5, 2015 | Adventure, Living playfully
Stella lies. Well, not really lies, but she’s not always direct. Stella is my GPS. I think she gets bored with the same old freeways, so sometimes she decides to mix it up a little and take me for a ride. Recently I was in Pleasant Hill, a city I’m not very familiar...