Playing in Leaps and Bounds

Playing in Leaps and Bounds

Yesterday I was stopped at a traffic light on Sonoma Blvd. In some places Sonoma Blvd. is 8 lanes wide and this was one of those places. As I sat waiting for the light to change and singing along to the radio I spotted a young man starting to cross the street....
Tip for Living Happy NOW! – How’s It Feel?

Tip for Living Happy NOW! – How’s It Feel?

The world is at your fingertips. Literally. Your sense of touch is a powerful and very sensuous connection to your surroundings. Take a moment right now and pay attention to what you feel (not the emotional stuff, that’s for a different blog post.) How do your clothes...
Tip for Living Happy NOW! – Pay Attention

Tip for Living Happy NOW! – Pay Attention

Did you ever think, while you were growing up, that life was going to be so serious? From my perspective as a kid, it looked like grownups could have all kinds of fun. They had control of the time and the money and I just knew that when I grew up I would use those...
Play More, Stress Less

Play More, Stress Less

Almost everyone understands that play is important for children. Play enables the development of a long list of critical life skills including; motor skills, socialization, problem solving, creativity, conflict resolution, and mental and physical health. When children...
Professional and Playful Can Co-exist

Professional and Playful Can Co-exist

 What do you do when you’re a playful person working in a serious environment? I got the chance to reconnect with a dear friend over the weekend. She asked me to keep my eyes open for any place that sells colorful, crazy, patterned and decorated socks. Not a strange...