Mar 20, 2017 | Playful Musings
I know my story. I grew up in it. I lived it…am living it. From my side it all seems pretty ordinary. But occasionally, with a willing audience I will start to tell some of my stories. Admittedly, the process is facilitated by a few cocktails or a liberal amount of...
Jan 4, 2016 | Living playfully, Playful Musings
I usually work under threat of an avalanche. Paper mysteriously multiplies around my workspace. I swear it happens when my back is turned. Left unchecked I could end up being buried alive in old to-do lists, obsolete outlines, expired discount coupons, unfiled...
Aug 14, 2015 | Adventure, Playful Musings
Did you ever ditch someone when you were a kid? Way back when you were a callous and callow youth? There was at least one kid that wanted to hang around with you and sometimes you just didn’t want them around. The challenge then became how to ditch them, shake them...
Aug 12, 2015 | GettingOlder, Playful Musings
Medicare kicks in for me on September 1st.. How did that happen? I have to laugh at myself. Yesterday I decided it was time to take care of enrolling in the Kaiser Senior Advantage program. I’d put it off long enough. After a brief battle with some computer glitches I...
Jul 20, 2015 | Playful Musings, Wellbeing
At a recent networking event we were asked to describe our particular creative bent. In the room there was a poet, a novelist, 2 photographers, a jewelry maker, a hand analyst, a creative coach, and then it was my turn. What is my creative bent? So many things;...
Jul 17, 2015 | Happiness, Play, Playful Musings
I LOVE kittens. They grow up to be cats and I love cats as well. But there is something extra special about kittens. Watching them learn the skills of cathood. Pouncing, jumping, chasing, stalking, racing at full speed around and over furniture and guests . All that...