Jul 19, 2016 | Bodacious, Happiness Tips, Living playfully
Do you have a personal nag? You know, that little voice, or maybe not so little, that keeps pointing out your faults and imperfections. I certainly do. She likes to sneak out as I’m falling asleep to remind of things I didn’t get done, what I said wrong, how I failed...
Apr 22, 2015 | Happiness Tips, Living playfully
How often do you go through your day and at the end nothing much stands out at all? When asked how your day was, do you have to think hard to come up with something that stands out? That’s pretty normal. We all have routines; routines so reliable, so set, so...
Apr 14, 2015 | Happiness, Happiness Tips, Living playfully, Play
I admit it. I spend way too much time at my desk. And, just like the electrician who eats in the dark, and the shoemaker’s children who go barefoot, the happiness coach (that’s me) forgets to get up and go outside to take a break. That doesn’t mean I don’t play...
Apr 7, 2015 | Happiness Tips, Health, Wellbeing
Feeling grumpy? Woke up cranky? Generally annoyed? Try this. SMILE I know, you don’t feel like smiling. You’re probably thinking that it’s a stupid idea. How can plastering a fake grin on your face do anything besides annoy you even more? I hear you, and you know...
Mar 31, 2015 | Happiness Tips, Living playfully, Wellbeing
We often ignore minor annoyances because, well because they’re minor. More trouble to deal with in the moment than they are to put up with. I realized yesterday that I was doing just that with two things. As I was tapping away at my keyboard I was generating way more...
Mar 26, 2015 | Happiness, Happiness Tips, Living playfully
This is an exercise I do with my clients. Feel free to follow along on your own. Grab a sheet (or a scrap) of paper and draw a horizontal line (about 5-6 inches is plenty long enough.) The left end is when you were born. On the right end write the number representing...