Jun 16, 2017 | Living playfully, Wellbeing
The weather forecast for the Phoenix area is HEAT! Record breaking heat, for the next several days. I mean 120! degrees heat. What am I going to do when it’s this hot out? Mostly stay home. All destinations outside of home will be selected based on specific criteria:...
May 12, 2017 | Health, Wellbeing
The whole damn house is on a diet, even the cats LOL. That’s not strictly true, we (the human residents) are adhering to a sustainable and satisfying eating lifestyle. As a result, we are also losing weight. The cats are just getting a better grade of cat food. I...
Jul 20, 2015 | Playful Musings, Wellbeing
At a recent networking event we were asked to describe our particular creative bent. In the room there was a poet, a novelist, 2 photographers, a jewelry maker, a hand analyst, a creative coach, and then it was my turn. What is my creative bent? So many things;...
Apr 7, 2015 | Happiness Tips, Health, Wellbeing
Feeling grumpy? Woke up cranky? Generally annoyed? Try this. SMILE I know, you don’t feel like smiling. You’re probably thinking that it’s a stupid idea. How can plastering a fake grin on your face do anything besides annoy you even more? I hear you, and you know...
Mar 31, 2015 | Happiness Tips, Living playfully, Wellbeing
We often ignore minor annoyances because, well because they’re minor. More trouble to deal with in the moment than they are to put up with. I realized yesterday that I was doing just that with two things. As I was tapping away at my keyboard I was generating way more...
Aug 12, 2014 | Happiness, Play, Wellbeing
Is doodling a dying art? With the proliferation of iPads, smart phones and other personal electronic devices, we spend less and less time with a pen or pencil (or in my case, a crayon) in hand. Sit in on any business meeting and at least one person will be frantically...