I have wild animals in my yard!
My husband and I sit on the back patio, sip coffee and watch the wildlife as the morning begins. So far we’ve seen cotton-tail rabbits, quail, doves, starlings, hummingbirds and several other birds I have yet to identify.
Today we decided to let our cats out to enjoy the morning with us and to explore their new environment. Then a coyote appeared, slipping through a gap between houses to patrol the wide open expanse of backyards.
Watching her trot across the neighbor’s yard I realized that there are many similarities between coyotes and bodacious bad-ass old broads. They are savvy and clever, adaptable and bold. They’re curious and flexible. They’re playful and willing to take risks. While I can’t say if they laugh (although they might), they howl with raucous canine abandon. And their population is growing.
I am delighted that coyote is part of the wild life in my yard even though it means that the cats will have to enjoy the great outdoors from the other side of the glass from now on.
Accepting the wild in our environment, and in ourselves and letting it live and flourish takes courage. But to thrive we must to do it. It takes awareness, and practice, and sometimes someone to give us permission.
If you need some support or guidance in getting to a bodacious life, check out my Living PlayFULLY; The Road to Bodacious program. Contact me for more details.
If you’re already a Bodacious Bad-ass Old Broad, or want to hang out with some, check out the Adventure Club to see what’s brewing.
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